Trey Trotter, LMFT & Associates, LLC
Licensed Marital & Family Therapist
Masters Degree in Family Relations & Child Development with Specialization in Marriage & Family Therapy


Why Choose Adoption?
Health and Infertility
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 11% of women between the
ages of 15 and 44 suffer from infertility. Of sexually experienced men under age 45, 7.5%
report seeking medical help for possible fertility issues. The inability to become pregnant or carry
the pregnancy is a common reason couples wish to pursue adoption. Sometimes women's health
problems also make it unsafe or impossible to have a healthy pregnancy.
Single Parenthood
Single people may wish to choose to adopt if they have not decided to marry or engage in a long- term relationship. Many agencies do not discriminate against adoptive parents based on marital status.
Nontraditional Families
Same-gender couples often have the same dreams of parenthood as traditional couples and may
choose to adopt. Adoption agencies vary in their willingness to assist same-gender couples.
Check your state laws as well.
As an Alternative to Having Biological Children
Anyone may wish to adopt as an alternative to having biological children, as some people feel very
strongly in finding homes for existing children without families. An international child without
parents or a family could be an ideal match for a couple or single adoptive parent wanting to help a child and start a family. While international adoptions have declined, in 2012, 8,668 international
adoptions occurred, according to the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs.
What is an Adoption Home Study?
The adoption home study is a detailed written report of your family. This can take anywhere from one to six months to finish because the process requires gathering and submitting a lot of documentation and completing fingerprint and background checks. In addition to the documentation, interviews will be conducted with everyone living in the home and reasons for adopting will be explored. Depending upon the type of adoption, there may be one or more home visits. Ms. Trotter-Fleming will be able to get a complete picture of who you are and what life is like in your family and submit a home study to the adoptive agency or to the court. The adoption home study is a part of the decision making process for both the prospective family and the court and will help an agency place a child into your home who would best fit into your family. The adoption home study will result in a detailed written report of your family and home environment. The process consists of:
visit(s) to the home
review of documents
interviews with the family residing in the home
background checks
Ms. Trotter is a certified adoption home study provider through Heritage Family Services,Tulsa, OK. Her certification qualifies her to conduct home studies according to Oklahoma statutes. She has performed both open and closed adoptions as well as private adoptions through Catholic Charities.
Contact us Here for More Information on Adoption Home Studies: